Tuesday, October 4, 2011

To The Rescue , What Charity really Does

Man its been a minute since my last post,

so i say thanks for the love, and i apologize for not delivering to you guys in a while. Alright lets get down to the nitty gritty right now, this last weekend was an amazing opportunity for me and many others to sit down and reevaluate who i am , what i've been doing, and ultimately how i can be the best in my pursuit of happiness. So i have a question, Why is it that we go day to day feeling like something is missing? Have you ever felt BLGH.. ( thats the only way i can describe it)..... This is the opportunity, sometimes you have to find the inner happiness that you are looking for, outside of yourself. How many people go day to day wandering if someone actually cares about them? well fun fact of the Day 18.8 million US citizens have a form of depression, and the majority of them claim its because they feel a lack of importance :( Sad huh? So what is it that you can do in order to show someone that they are important?

So has been doing some serious experiments lately in his new apartment complex called THE KINGDOM OF HENRY lol and has been given the ultimate opportunity of being able to serve his neighbors as well as anyone that is in his ward. And my favorite thing that i have heard in my entire life is "Thanks Chase i really needed that"..... But here is the thing, have i really changed anyones life? I DON"T FREAKIN KNOW lol but i know that i have changed mine. Guys lets be real we live in a world of social media, and facebook, blogs and everything, and how often do we see criticism of people that we know....ERRRDAY lol but I've learned that the easy way out is to point at someone and laugh, or to turn and scoff or post something on facebook, but the way that the Lord would have us work is To bear one anothers burdens and mourn with those that mourn, Its more Christlike to sit back establish the weakness and then find a way to help someone else over come that.... Imagine if a girl gets asked out by a guy , and he is super weird and really awkward, if the girl would just sit him down and say " Listen my dude, i think you are way great and all however im not interested in you, because of this this and this...." would it be cruel, no i don't think so , i seriously think that it would be more of a benefit to that person because we are more aware of our weaknesses which give us an opportunity to fix it..... isn't that what heavenly father does for us, make our weaknesses known so that we can fix them BOOOOMMMMM lol.... So maybe thats still far from happening, but learn to serve and help one another, cuz it is the ultimate Rescue... and im not talking  about the person who is receiving  the service, im talking about you.... That emptiness will go away, that self worth will rise. Its been amazing the blessings that i have seen in my life because of small acts of service, like taking the trash out for the girls, or doing their dishes, or just saying hey you look really nice today, or it was so nice talking to you. Can see what im saying, everyone we have an opportunity to play a major role in helping others be successful and to love their life, to help them change, and overcome their weaknesses , and its crazy how much you'll see yourself change. You'll love more people, and live a healthier life..... So my challenge to you today is to Serve anyone that you can and then share with me the experience that you've had, cuz its crazy the results you will see... well thats it for now ill post soon

good tymes later days

chase comrie

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