Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Save a Horse Ride a

hey everybody,

sometimes do you find yourself looking in the mirror , and you look yourself in the eye and you can't help but sigh and wish that you were someone else. The business owner would just hire me if i was someone else, That girl at the carnival would have liked me had i been someone famous, or my parents would treat me better if i was like Johnny Walker the eagle scout next door neighbor.

If you have ever felt this way, you are certainly not the odd one out. Sometimes we catch ourselves trying to be someone else that we forget how unique and amazing we really are as individuals. There is no harm in wanting to better yourself, but listen friends you are not a camaro thats named BUMBLEBEE so don't think about transformin, but think more of the potential that you have and the parts of yourself that you have kept deep down inside, you know the parts that you are afraid to expose to the world because you feel the people that are around you right now won't accept you.

This is why i have my headline to Save a Horse Ride a, cuz i change the title of that song to fit who i am and who i am gonna be, i don't need to be a cowboy in order to win a rodeo princess' heart ( im sure it would help lol jk) but its possible that they are going to like you for who you are and what you represent. If you don't know who you are originally or you have forgotten who you were before all the transforming happened then you have been givin the beautiful and once in a lifetime opportunity to find out who you are and recreate yourself there is only one way that you  can actually do this.... You have to go on your little adventure, try things that you have never done before, make a bucketlist of "who i am" and then you can cross off that list and evealuate how you feel when you do these things.... for instance i thought that i was only attracted to dark haired girls with brown almond eyes... but it wasn't till i met the most amazing girl ever did i realize that i love natural blonds with beautiful teal green eyes. Everybody has to leave the nest or their comfort zone in order to spread their wings and let go of those misconceptions of life. This is the moment that you need to find out who you are  because your God placed you here in these situations to prepare you for influence that you are going to have on your peers, or society.

You have the choice to  change the world , but you can't give what you don't have, if you don't know yourself then you don't know what you are capable of giving, if you don't have love for yourself then its hard to share that love with others... Ambitions are great, but ambitions only become success when you have chosen to act upon it..... this has been fun writitng this entry and i truly believe in it.... please let me know how you feel about this entry in the comment box below.....

your best the one that will always be there

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding son! You are truly a magnificent individual and I'm proud to know you!!!!
