Friday, April 8, 2011

When Faith Endures

To everyone,

What happens when you get that feeling in your gut that something isn't right? what happens when all you see in your future are dark clouds of uncertainty? What happens when that feeling encompasses you all about and you can't help but want to just give up?

Then you have fallen the victim to DOUBT, FEAR, AND INSECURITY....

You see this happen everyday to those who are trying to make it. I.E  a struggling marriage or relationship, dreams to make a difference, a teenager who feels the world closing in on them, or one that just merely believes that we are all stuck in this miserable place.

unfortunately when we feel this way it becomes a building block to what we are trying to avoid in the first place. I have dealt with this on several occasions first hand.... I had relationships that i cherished and i was so worried and doubtful that i was gonna get hurt, do you know what happened ? I GOT HURT BAD.....I had dreams to do something amazing, but i thought to myself that i was no different then the rest of society and i have no grand idea or freak ability so its just not going to work..... How close do you think ive gotten to fulfilling that dream?

there is lots of ways to improve your lives, but i think one of the ultimate ways is what we call the Law of Attraction that is so well illustrated in the infamous book called the "THE SECRET"..... have you ever thought that if you consume your thoughts with the positive outlook on things that it will become true. If you feel in your heart and you say in your words... this is going to work out... i promise you that it is going to work out so help me..... i am such a firm believer in that.... here is a little lesson in People 101 if someone hears doubt in your voice they automatically shut down to your idea..... so if you don't even believe in yourself why would anybody else.... This is the grand concept of faith, the hardest belief to practice, but the one that delivers the most rewards...... Im weak sometimes at this subject but i have come to experience in my life that miracles happen when i was fully confident that they would happen.....

im currently in a situation that is super hard.... I met someone who is amazing, understanding, beautiful, and just the best all around, unfortunately the timing couldn't have been worse cuz i leave for alaska in two days now and then i wont see her for a couple months.... thats so hard cuz i know that it will all work out, but thats all based on how much faith we have in each other and what we have.... cuz if the the faith is there then the couple months that im away is only a spec of dust in eternity that we would spend together.....

When Faith Endures so do we.... we have the potential to change the world, you just have to believe that you really can, and not waiver... surrround yourself with those that believe in your goals, and love your goals as much as you do and it makes the journey less lonesome..... im sorry ive rambled on i think i needed this pep talk more than you guys cuz i have big dreams and aspirations and im the only one that gets in my way, i must have full faith in myself in order to have faith in others...... please feel free to leave comments to help others who are reading this .... love ya guys

good tymes later days

one love

1 comment:

  1. Chase you are a remarkable person!!!! I am blessed to know you!!!!
