to the movement,
Today was a huge day, that caused a huge impact. It all started with something i overheard, and then i couldn't stop thinking about it. A girl in like her twenties was talking on her phone and she said somethin like this " I know that i need to improve, but i can't.... life is too hard, i can't make the change".
And i sat back, not knowing this girl at all, and i thought to myself, does she really believe that? and then i thought to myself, i believed that at one point too. I 've been able to have lots of opportunities to travel, and exp. different cultures ( The philippines, Guatemala, utah and vegas, and shortly Alaska) and ive been able to see the way people think, and it really gets me to think that the thought of failure or not being good enough is universal.
God has given us the opportunity to maximize our potential.... as a kid i just always loved reading books or watching movies where the hero has to overcome his self in order to save everybody else.... and i always tried to put myself in the story.... when you grow up you forget all the tales.... but have you ever thought that your life is just one big movie or story.... and did you know that you are the one actually writing the story. When you are writing your story, who is the hero... and what things does he/she have to overcome to make the difference in the world.... To everybody i want you to know that God would never put you in a situation without giving you the tools to win the battle.... You need to fight each battle individually and come out on top... thats where the pursuit of happiness happens..... cuz everything has its opposite and you need adversity to have triumph.... sadness for happiness.... So when you are saying that you can't, you are really saying that you won't ... cuz you write your own story. You think im wrong take a step back, and look left and right, you are a hero, an angel, a saving grace to others, but whats holding you back? only yourself, just look inside, and there begins a movement!!!!! - (founder of the exposed movement)