Monday, March 28, 2011

fighting Battles

to the movement,

Today was a huge day, that caused a huge impact. It all started with something i overheard, and then i couldn't stop thinking about it. A girl in like her twenties was talking on her phone and she said somethin like this " I know that i need to improve, but i can't.... life is too hard, i can't make the change".

And i sat back, not knowing this girl at all, and i thought to myself, does she really believe that? and then i thought to myself, i believed that at one point too. I 've been able to have lots of opportunities to travel, and exp. different cultures ( The philippines, Guatemala, utah and vegas, and shortly Alaska) and ive been able to see the way people think, and it really gets me to think that the thought of failure or not being good enough is universal.

God has given us the opportunity to maximize our potential.... as a kid i just always loved reading books or watching movies where the hero has to overcome his self in order to save everybody else.... and i always tried to put myself in the story.... when you grow up you forget all the tales.... but have you ever thought that your life is just one big movie or story.... and did you know that you are the one actually writing the story. When you are writing your story, who is the hero... and what things does he/she have to overcome to make the difference in the world.... To everybody i want you to know that God would never put you in a situation without giving you the tools to win the battle.... You need to fight each battle individually and come out on top... thats where the pursuit of happiness happens..... cuz everything has its opposite and you need adversity to have triumph.... sadness for happiness.... So when you are saying that you can't, you are really saying that you won't ... cuz you write your own story. You think im wrong take a step back, and look left and right, you are a hero, an angel, a saving grace to others, but whats holding you back? only yourself, just look inside, and there begins a movement!!!!! - (founder of the exposed movement)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

LAND OF THE LOST..... Oppurtunities

To The Movement,

I was thinking back on some of my old projects that i had done in the past, ones that were quite similar to this one, and evaluating what i can do to make this one stick out and fly to the end. Well neeedless to say as i was diving back into my memories i went on a crazy adventure of recollection. And when i realized that i had many opportunities to capitalize on, i realized that their were many that i missed. The question became why in world were they missed, when i am a jack of all trades but master of one " seizing the moment." Can anyone relate to this? Success in wherever you go depends on just a few factors 1) setting goals 2) becoming a go getta 3) when the opportunities arise you have to get them and not hesitate. I had learned that lesson in my sophomore year in highschool from my soccer coach. I was the goal keeper and on my way to becoming all state, but i made a huge mistake early in the season, and since we had game films it was easy to catch the mistake and rewind and replay. We played bishop gorman which was dominant at the time and we lost because of decision making, when someone made a cross into my box.... we saw on the game films that even for a split second i hesitated on seizing the moment of making a play, and because that fraction of a second they beat us 4-3 and that moment i learned that if i didn't start seizing the moment from that point on then i would always fall 1 point short of the other guy......

I didn't mean to go write a parable on you or nothin, but lets break it down you will never make it to your potential if you: hesitate when the moment is present, doubt, fear, or not care. this goes for any walk of life, lets say you are in club and their is a fine lookin girl all dolled up waiting for someone to dance with, but no one is approaching her because everybody in the room is intimidated, even you who she has now made eye contact with a few times just sit back acting like you are tight and not seizing the moment. Well sorry to tell ya but because you hesitated she already fell out of interest in you, and you lost that battle just cuz you wanted to "play it cool".... The point of this entry is that the ones who are going to take full advantage of this movement are the ones that are gonna let me know how i can help them become famous one day at a time..... so i wanna give a shout out to the go gettas of the week.... IAMVANDALS dj crew out in LAS VEGAS, and MARCUS LAWRENCE former bballa at UNLV and now aspiring legend.... take this advice if you don't do something today that there is no more room for ya tomorrow ..... one love

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Somethin you can relate to...


i hope all of you were able to see the last entry and were able to find someone to talk to and see the potential that they carry. well yesterday for me just so happened to be one of those days as LIMP BIZKIT used to put " just one of those days , where you don't want to wake up>" The reason i had one of those days is because in a sense im kind of an extremist, and i want the most out of life. In my favorite book " THE POET IN EXILE" the main character Jordan says everybody should be a rockstar. His counterpart disagrees and says Jordan if everyone were a rockstar the world wouldnt be able to function, we need police officers, fireman, janitors, teachers, etc. And jordan says the most profound line in the whole book he says "yes i understand that however everybody should a rockstar in their own profession.

So i have that goal, to become a "rockstar" in all that i do, and the profession i choose. thats why i was having such a rough day, because the way i saw my life was not on route per say to fulfill my dreams, it was on route mediocrity. Have you ever felt the same way, have you ever just wanted to break out of the norm and do something miraculous? If you are saying no then im saying you are lying lol.... Well think of what has held you back... you may say, finances, people, job opportunities, or time...... did you know that for the most part you control all of those things, so the real answer to what is holdin me back..... OURSELVES..... we tend to put the act off and just blow of the "rockstar" capability that we have beeen born with.... so your mission today MISSION #2 aka TAKE ACTION: right down a goal something small and simple that you can achieve in the next few days and when you achieve it right me and the movement a comment.... that way you can help everyone else who is following do the same.... The change of the world begins within us, what small efforts are you going to put forward to succeed....... CHEERS FOR THE MOVEMENT

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

you are more

Hey all you followers of the movement,

today is the message of you being more than any past mistakes that you have made. We all have to rememeber that the choices that we make do not really make us who we are, but its what we do with the lessons that we learn from those choices. I urge everyone to listen to the words of this beautiful song, cuz it shows us that no matter what we have done we can be remade, and improved. your job today is to find someone that you haven't talked to in a long time and start up a conversation with them and i want you to take note of the great potential that that person might have for the future and then i want you to share it on this page..... Hoorah for the start of the movement the question is are you gonna make a move?

Monday, March 21, 2011


hey everybody this is my first and foremost message to all of you about the "The EXPOSED movement" im going to need all you to help me on this journey. With me serving a two year mission in the beautiful islands of the Philippines, and a small humanitarian mission in Guatemala, and with all the encounters that i have had with people over the past 21 years, i have found what i want my lifes work to become. The only thing is that i am humbled to say that i cannot do this alone. I need all the help that I can get. I am on a quest to expose the different marvelous minds of people through extensive research on retrospect, introspect, and emotion of these people. And where you come in is i need different leads, angles, research help, comments, and referrals in order to do this, and i truly believe that if this goes the way i plan it, then you will be part of the greatest humanitarian project in the world , the project of understanding....... anyways i will have more on the way i need you to give me some names of people and small bio's of them and a way for me to contact them that way i can start getting their names out there, just remember the ones that make the difference are the ones who put there dreams ahead of everything else..... CHEERS to the beginning of the movement...._CHA.CO